For the last few weeks, I have been exploring the properties of liquids and solids with my tutoring group of grade 2 students. It has been quite an exciting experience! Our main goal is to produce a booklet that explains all the properties of liquids and solids. The students and I have been exploring science experiments and they have been registering all their findings. So far, we have talked about matter, we have discussed whether solids and liquids have mass, and we also explored whether the shape of solids and liquids changes or not according to the container they have been placed in. We have also discussed and brainstormed about how solids and liquids feel to the touch. My little ones have been quite excited to do these hands on activities, even though the experiments have been quite simple and easy to do! Here is how we have explored this unit so far. During our first session, we used the scale to measure how much different solids and liquids weigh. First, we placed an empty container on top of the scale. The students used their worksheet to record the weight of the first container. Then, we added solids (some cute dice I had around) and some water (separately). After adding each of these substances, the students recorded the difference in weight showed on the scale. They used their sheets as guides to draw their conclusions about the mass of solids and liquids. They thoroughly enjoyed this activity! On our next session we explored shape. The students used several different containers with distinct shapes. First, we poured building blocks into the containers. The students took time to observe what happened to the building blocks’ shape when we poured them from one container to the other. They registered their observations and shaded in one of two possible conclusions. They repeated the same experiment for liquids (water). Finally, our next activity was to discuss how solids and liquids feel to the touch. I provided them with several different solids and liquids, and they used their hands to describe what they felt. Afterwards, they completed another worksheet by filling in a couple of wheels with adjectives that can be associated with liquids and solids. Next in our agenda, will be to explore how solids and liquids react to energy. What happens to solids and liquids when we add energy or when we remove energy? I hope you enjoyed this post. please stay tuned for more developments on this unit. Take care, Catia